Ways to Get Involved

*If you see any social media pages that are not these official links, please flag/report them and let us know about it! There are scammers trying to take advantage of this situation and our group will fight to stop them.

When sharing and posting for Amir on all Social Media Platforms, please use these hashtags to help grow awareness! You can use these hashtags when commenting on other related news events, youtube videos, instagram, facebook, etc... If you see something on social media that reminds you of Amir, #sayhisname by using one of the Hashtags below with your comments. Commenting just 1 Hashtag will make a difference EVEN if you don't say anything else... say it with a hashtag! 

#justiceforamir #bringamirhome #amirellis
#justiceforamirellis #bringamirellishome #amirsarmy

There are currently 2 GoFundMe fundraisers. Anything that you are able to donate is greatly appreciated and will help ensure that Amir Ellis Sr. receives the upmost and well deserved services. Even after Amir is laid to rest, there is still an uphill battle with ensuring justice is done.

🔗 GoFundMe - 'Amir Ellis Burial & Final Expenses' Fundraiser 

🔗 GoFundMe - 'Mother barely able to work, looking for her son!'